
I Just Made You Say Underwear — MeUndies

I see that I’ve taken quite the hiatus: 3 months really flew by. I’ve been busy! Life is tough. I can’t just throw it all out of the way to start writing about what underwear I’m wearing right now.

Or can I?

I’ve said before that this blog is actually pretty expensive to run. Hosting on isn’t free, but it’s not putting me off, but the real expense comes in actually buying all this stuff. And I do actually go through and purchase everything I’ve reviewed on this site. I want to get the full experience: the real product, the real flow. I’m not here for freebies.

Actually I would absolutely love freebies. If anyone wants to give me free stuff to review, please do.

But all this comes at a price, which is the actual cost of goods. I’m not sure what I can do about it other than to ask for free stuff, which I just did. We’ll see how well that works out. The silver lining is I generally purchase things with various credit cards, and get the associated rewards. I rack these up and buy more stuff with the earnings. Some purchases can get me as much as 5% cash back, or I could be working my way towards a $500 or $1000 spending reward bonus. It doesn’t quite pay for itself, but it certainly helps.

Figuring out which card I should be using for which purchases can be time consuming and confusing, though. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve bought something with a card that gives 1% back, when I could have used a different card for 5%. It’s infuriating!

I figured other people probably also have this issue. Even more, I bet other people don’t even know they have this issue. That’s why I took the hiatus, and started working on I would love for all of you to check it out, so get signed up for the beta that we’ll be releasing soon.

I came up with the idea while wearing some MeUndies I bought for this blog post. So…you know…that’s a segue.

If you haven’t heard of MeUndies by now, you might be living under a proverbial rock. They advertise everywhere on the internet, they’re the ads with super attractive models (of both sexes) wearing skimpy fun looking underwear. You can’t miss them.

I find their website harder to use than it could be. I can’t quite put my finger on what’s wrong, and maybe it’s just me, but I find the menu layout a bit…off. They put a lot of focus on the images of the underwear, and probably not enough towards navigating and buying the underwear. I get why: You’ve got these pictures of hot young models, and people like looking at those. But that’s a double-edged sword: they’ve made it basically impossible to shop their site in an office setting. Even checking this site at home I felt like a pre-teen worried his mom would find his playboys.

I want to make it clear: the pictures aren’t graphic at all. They’re just provocative. It’s a good looking site, but don’t check it in your open office setting.

I’ve said before I’m a boxers guy, so I ordered 2 pairs of those, one in purple, and one in a green and red “OG”, reminiscent of an African flag. According to their sizing chart, I’m on the small end of an XL (ladies).

They come via USPS, fairly quickly and in a nice sealed bag. This is nice because I want to believe that no one is fondling my underwear before I get them. I know people have probably touched them, but with the sealed bag I can believe that no ones had their grubby hands on them.

Me, basically

When I put on the OG pair, the first thing my fiancee said is “why are you wearing Christmas underwear in August?”. That, I think, is pretty telling: what was supposed to be an homage to African culture ended up being reminiscent of an old bearded white man in a weird suit. Oh well, underwear shouldn’t be homages.

They are nice underwear, overall. I still wear them weekly. If I had to complain, I would say the XL is slightly too long for my tastes, and maybe slightly oversized. I should probably order the L next time. If you’re in between sizes, I think trying the lower size might be preferable.

Overall, MeUndies are a decent purchase. I’d recommend them if you’re looking to buy your skivvies online.

And please check out!

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